DOBLE F6150sv Trusa testare relee de protectie

Garantia oferita este conform cu cea oferita de producator

Echipamentul de testare relee de protectie este o solutie versatila pentru testarea dispozitivelor si a sistemelor de protectie bazate pe IEC 61850.

                Acest simulator de sistem de alimentare efectueaza teste de la cele mai simple pana la cele mai complexe. F6150sv are cel mai mare curent de iesire dintre toate sistemele de testare de pe piata – toate intr-o signgura cutie.

                Pentru a satisface toate nevoile dumneavoastra de testare și bugetare, F6150sv este disponibil în diferite configurații.

              F6150sv testează sistemele bazate pe IEC 61850 la nivel process-bus și la nivel station-bus folosind atât valori prelevate cât și mesaje GOOSE. *

* Este necesară opțiunea „F6870 Sampled Values”.


  • Simulati 3 fluxuri de valori esantionate IEC 61850 9-2LE printr-un port cu fibra optica si un port RJ45 (este necesara optiunea „F6870 Sampled Values”).
  • Simulează (publică) și subscrie la mesaje IEC 61850 GOOSE implicand mai multe IED (este necesară optiunea „F6860 GSE Configurator”).
  • Efectuează calibrarea releului standard și verificarea releelor ​​cu sarcină mare (electromecanice), SSR (Solid-State Relay) si cele bazate pe microprocesor
  • Wi-Fi compatibil (optional)
  • Realizează simulări de stare și teste tranzitorii
  • Testează transformatoare de curent și traductoare din clasa 0,2
  • Implementează testarea end-to-end a schemelor bazate pe comunicații cu sincronizarea timpului prin GPS
  • Maxim 12 surse (șase tensiune, șase curent) configurabile pentru testarea bancului și testarea schemelor de releee complicate
  • Oferă putere VA completă cu sarcini rezistive, inductive și capacitive la o sarcină maximă de curent. Următoarele intervale sunt disponibile cu opțiunea „F6005 Enhaced Rating”: (6 x 35, 3 x 70, 1 x 210 amperi).
  • Controlați toate sursele de pe un dispozitiv tip tabletă pentru testarea protectiei



  • Selectați dintr-o serie de modele de teste de releu de protecție care prezintă niveluri de putere și complexitate variate. Alegeți cea mai bună soluție în funcție de cerințele dvs. de testare și buget.
  • Construcția robustă și un design dovedit de ultimă generație oferă o precizie de laborator cu performanțe de teren fără compromisuri
  • O afișare convenabilă a panoului frontal indică tensiuni / amplitudini de curent active și valori de fază în timpul testării


The F6150sv line of Power System Simulators is designed for simulation tests on relay and protection schemes. There are four
distinct models for your specific testing needs. The F6150sv premier model features a total of 12 sources at maximum power output.

Current Mode
Convertible Source AC RMS
Convertible Source DC Ranges Power Resolution @ AC RMS Ranges Resolution DC Ranges

6 X 0.5, 1.0 A (L-N) 6 X 0.354, 0.707 A 6 X 75 VA / 75 W 0.0001 A 0.0001 A
3 X 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 A (L-N) 3 X 0.354, 0.707, 1.41 A 3 X 150 VA / 150 W 0.0001 A 0.0001 A
1 X 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 A (L-N) 1 X 1.06, 2.12, 4.24 A 1 X 450 VA / 450 W
0.001 A 0.001 A
S1 || S2 || S3 S1 || S2 || S3 S1 || S2 || S3
Current Transient Mode
Convertible Source AC RMS
Convertible Source DC Ranges Power Resolution @ AC RMS Ranges Resolution DC Ranges

6 X 0.75, 1.5 A (L-N) 6 X 0.53, 1.06 A 6 X 97.5 VA / 97.5 W 0.0001 A 0.0001 A
(0.0001 A) @ 0.53, 1.06 A
3 X 0.75, 1.5, 3.0 A (L-N) 3 X 0.53, 1.06, 2.12 A 3 X 195 VA / 195 W 0.0001 A
(0.001 A) @ 2.12 A
1 X 2.25, 4.5, 9.0 A (L-N) 1 X 1.59, 3.18, 6.36 A 1 X 585 VA / 585 W
0.001 A 0.001 A
S1 || S2 || S3 S1 || S2 || S3 S1 || S2 || S3
Voltage Mode
Convertible Source AC RMS
Convertible Source DC Ranges Power Resolution @ AC RMS Ranges Resolution DC Ranges

(0.01 V) @ 106 V
6 X 75, 150 V (L-N) 6 X 106, 212 V 6 X 75 VA/ 75 W 0.01 V
(0.1 V) @ 212 V
(0.01 V) @ 106 V
3 X 75, 150, 300 V (L-N) 3 X 106, 212, 424 V 3 X 150 VA / 150 W 0.01 V
(0.1 V) @ 212, 424 V
1 X 150, 300, 600 V (L-L) 1 X 212, 424, 848 V 1 X 300 VA / 300 W
0.01 V 0.1 V
S1 & S2 S1 & S2 S1 & S2
Conventional Mode
AC RMS Ranges DC Ranges Power Resolution @ AC RMS Ranges Resolution DC Ranges

6 X 75 VA / 75 W; (0.001) A @ 5.0 A
6 X 7.5, 15, (30)* A (L-N) 6 X 5.0, 10.0, (20.0)* A 0.001 A
(6 X 112.5 VA / 112.5 W)* (0.01) A @ 10.0, (20.0)* A
(0.001) A @ 5.0 A
3 X 150 VA / 150 W; (0.001) A @ 7.5, 15.0, 30 A
3 X 7.5, 15, 30, (60)* A (L-N) 3 X 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, (40.0)* A (0.01) A @ 10.0, 20.0,
(3 X 225 VA / 225 W)* (0.01) @ (60)* A
(40.0)* A
1 X 7.5, 15, 22.5, 45, 90, (180)* A 1 X 450 VA / 450 W; (0.001) A @ 5.83 A
1 X 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 30, 60, (120)* A (0.001) A @ 7.5, 15.0, 22.5 A
(L-N) (1 X 675 VA / 675 W)* (0.01) A @ 10.0, 20, 30, 60,
S1 || S2 || S3 (0.01) A @ 45, 90, (180)* A
S1 || S2 || S3 S1 || S2 || S3 (120)* A
Enhanced Mode (F6005 Option)
AC RMS Ranges DC Ranges Power Resolution @ AC RMS Ranges Resolution DC Ranges

6 X 87.5 VA / 87.5 W; (0.001) A @ 5.83 A
6 X 8.75, 17.5, (35)** A (L-N) 6 X 5.83, 11.7, (23.3)** A 0.001 A
(6 X 131.25 VA /1 31.25 W)** (0.01) A @ 11.6, (23.3)** A

(0.001) A @ 5.83 A
3 X 8.75, 17.5, 35, (70)** 3 X 175 VA / 175 W; (0.001) A @ 8.75, 17.5, 35 A
3 X 5.83, 11.7, 23.3, (46.6)** A (0.01) A @ 11.7, 23.3,
A (L-N) (3 X 262.5 VA / 262.5 W)** (0.01) @ (70)** A
(46.6)** A

1 X 8.75, 17.5, 26.25, 52.5,105, 1 X 5.83, 11.7, 17.5, 35, 70, 1 X 525 VA / 525 W; (0.001) A @ 5.83 A
(0.001) A @ 8.75, 17.5, 26.25 A
(210)** A (L-N) (140)** A (1 X 787.5 VA / 787.5 W)** (0.01) A @ 11.7, 23.3, 35,
(0.01) A @ 52.5, 105, (210)** A
S1 || S2 || S3 S1 || S2 || S3 S1 || S2 || S3 70, (140)** A

* Transient Mode max duration 90 cycles
**F6005 is required; max duration of 45 seconds

Please Note: All AC values valid for capacitive, inductive
and restive loads.

F6150sv-SGD is the distribution model, which features a total of 8 sources for compliance testing needs.


Current Mode

Convertible Source AC RMS Resolution @ AC RMS
Convertible Source DC Ranges Power Resolution DC Ranges
Ranges Ranges

4 X 0.5, 1.0 (L-N) 4 X 0.354, 0.707 A 4 X 75 VA / 75 W 0.0001 A 0.0001 A

(0.0001 A) @ 0.5, 1.0 A (0.0001 A) @ 0.354, 0.707 A
4 X 0.5, 1.0 A (L-N) 2 X 0.354, 0.707, 1.41 A 2 X 150 VA / 150 W
(0.001 A) @ 2.0 A (0.001 A) @ 1.41 A

1 X 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 A (L-N) 1 X 0.707, 1.41, 2.82 A 1 X 300 VA / 300 W (0.0001 A) @ 1.0 A (0.0001 A) @ 0.707 A
S1 || S2 S1 || S2 S1 || S2 (0.001 A) @ 2.0, 4.0 A (0.001 A) @ 1.41, 2.82 A

Current Transient Mode

Convertible Source AC RMS Convertible Source DC Resolution @ AC RMS
Power Resolution DC Ranges
Ranges Ranges Ranges

4 X 0.75, 1.5 A (L-N) 4 X 0.354, 0.707 A 4 X 97.5 VA / 97.5 W 0.0001 A 0.0001 A

(0.0001 A) @ 0.75 A (0.0001 A) @ 0.53 A
2 X 0.75, 1.5, 3.0 A (L-N) 2 X 0.354, 0.707, 1.41 A 2 X 195 VA / 195 W
(0.001 A) @ 1.5, 3.0 A (0.001 A) @ 1.06, 2.12 A

1 X 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 A (L-N) 1 X 0.707, 1.41, 2.82 A 1 X 390 VA / 390 W
0.001 A 0.001 A
S1 || S2 S1 || S2 S1 || S2

Voltage Mode

Convertible Source AC RMS Convertible Source DC Resolution @ AC RMS
Power Resolution DC Ranges
Ranges Ranges Ranges

(0.01 V) @ 106 V
4 X 75, 150 V (L-N) 4 X 106, 212 V 4 X 75 VA / 75 W 0.01 V
(0.1 V) @ 212 V

(0.01 V) @ 106 V, 212 V
2 X 75, 150, 300 V (L-N) 2 X 106, 212, 424 V 2 X 150 VA / 150 W 0.01 V
(0.1 V) @ 424 V

1 X 150, 300, 600 V (L-L) 1 X 212, 424, 848 V 1 X 300 VA / 300 W
0.01 V 0.1 V
S1 & S2 S1 & S2 S1 & S2


Conventional Mode

Resolution @ AC RMS
AC RMS Ranges DC Ranges Power Resolution DC Ranges

4 X 75 VA / 75 W; (0.001) A @ 5.0 A
4 X 7.5, 15, (30)* A (L-N) 4 X 5.0, 10.0, (20.0)* A 0.001 A
(4 X 112.5 VA /112.5 W)* (0.01) A @ 10.0, (20.0)* A

2 X 150 VA / 150 W; (0.001) A @ 7.5, 15.0 A (0.001) A @ 5.0 A (0.01) A @
2 X 7.5, 15, 30, (60)* A (L-N) 2 X 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, (40.0)* A
(2 X 225 VA / 225 W)* (0.01) @ 30, (60)* A 10.0, 20.0, (40.0)* A

1 X 300 VA / 450 W;
1 X 7.5,15, 30, 60 (120)* A (L-N) 1 X 5.0, 10.0, 20, 40, (80)* A (0.001) A @ 7.5, 15.0 A (0.001) A @ 5.0 A (0.01) A @
(1 X 450 VA / 450 W)*
S1 || S2 S1 || S2 (0.01) A @ 30, 60, (120)* A 10.0, 20, 40, (80)* A
S1 || S2

Enhanced Mode

Resolution @ AC RMS
AC RMS Ranges DC Ranges Power Resolution DC Ranges

4 X 87.5 VA / 87.5 W; (0.001) A @ 5.83 A
4 X 8.75, 17.5, (35)** A (L-N) 4 X 5.83, 11.7, (23.3)** A 0.001 A
(4 X 131.25 VA / 131.25 W)** (0.01) A @ 11.6, (23.3)** A

2 X 8.75, 17.5, 35, (70)** A 2 X 175 VA / 175 W; (0.001) A @ 8.75, 17.5 A (0.001) A @ 5.83 A (0.01) A @
2 X 5.83, 11.7, 23.3, (46.7)** A
(L-N) (2 X 262.5 VA / 262.5 W)** (0.01) @ 35, (70)** A 11.7, 23.3, (46.7)** A

1 X 8.75, 17.5, 35, 70, (140)** A 1 X 5.83, 11.7, 23.3, 46.7 1 X 350 VA / 350 W; (0.001) A @ 5.83 A
(0.001) A @ 8.75, 17.5 A
(L-N) (93.2)** A (1 X 525 VA / 525 W)** (0.01) A @ 11.7, 23.3, 46.7
(0.01) A @ 35, 70, (140)** A
S1 || S2 S1 || S2 S1 || S2 (93.3)** A

* Transient Mode max duration 90 cycles
**F6005 is required; max duration of 45 seconds

Please Note: All AC values valid for capacitive, inductive and
restive loads.


The F6150sv–IEC model has no analog source outputs. It can be used for IEC 61850 Station and Process Bus testing compliant
® ®
with 9-2LE. Its low level source mode is used to control the F5850 IntelliRupter PulseCloser Fault Interrupter testing


Voltage Mode Current Mode Transient Mode

Convertible Amplifier Sources 6.7 VRMS 4.5 VRMS 6.7 VRMS

3.38 VRMS 6.7 VRMS
Current Amplifier Sources N/A
(3.48 VRMS for enhanced ratings) (6.96 VRMS for enhanced ratings)


Output signal accuracy ± 0.25% OF READING

Source impedance 50 Ω

Please refer to the F6 Hardware User Guide for output scaling and range details.




Isolated Inputs Paired Inputs 8 external Analog or Digital
Inputs 2 (First Strike) 3 Pairs (6)
Internal Source
Voltage Sense 250 V RMS AC / 300 V dc 250 V RMS AC / 300 V dc recording 12 Sources

Open Circuit Test 12 V dc 4 V dc Ranges 250 mV, 2.5 V, 25 V, 250 V RMS
Bandwidth DC, 0-5kHz
Short Circuit Test
20 mA dc >50 mA dc
Current Input Impedance 150KΩ

Response Time 0.1 msec max pickup /dropout 0.1 msec max pickup /dropout Max Input Voltage 250 V RMS AC / 300 V dc

Input Impedance 150KΩ 150KΩ Isolation ±500 V peak channel to channel

Isolation ±500 V peak ±500 V peak Accuracy

LOGIC OUTPUTS Typical ±0.06%

FET Maximum ±0.15%
(High Speed Electronic)
AC AMPLITUDE ACCURACY @ 50-60 HZ @ 20° - 30° C
Number 4 4
Typical Guaranteed
Isolation Voltage ±500 V peak ±500 V peak
0.02% of reading 0.09% of reading
Response Time 0.1msec pick up / dropout <10 msecpick up / dropout + .01% of range + .04% of range

Maximum (Make/ Vmax 250 V, Imax 8 A) @ 20° - 30° C
0.5 amps
Break Current) (Breaking cap DC: 50 W with Vmax
300 V, Imax 8 A) Guaranteed

Input Voltage 250 V RMS 250 V RMS <0.5%


Range 6 - 300 V dc Timers
Number 8 
Resolution 0.3 V
Max Recording Time <24 Hours
Power 90 W, 1.5 A max
50/60 Hz Ripple <0.2% of Range of reading, ±50 µsec

Accuracy <±5% Resolution 100 µsec


DC Meter Inputs Range Accuracy Resolution

Input Range 0 - ±10 V dc / 0 - ±20 mA dc ±360° - 0° ± 0.25° ± 0.1°

Typical <0.003% DISTORTION @ 50/60HZ V & I SOURCES TOTAL

Guaranteed <0.05%
Typical Guaranteed
AC Sources
<0.02% <0.1%
Typical <0.02% of metering loads
Logic Input As Counters
Bandwith Range Resolution
Frequency 10 kHz
DC, 0.1 Hz - 2.0 kHZ
DC - 3kHz at
Pulse width >175 µsec Continuous Full 0.001 Hz
Full Power


Typical @ 20° - 30° C @ 0° - 50° C

0.5 ppm 1.5 ppm 10 ppm




High-impact, molded, flame-retardant ABS-meets National Safe
Enclosure Transit Association testing specification No.1A for immunity to
severe shock and vibration

IEC 60068-2-27 Shock (15g/11ms, half sine)
Mechanical IEC 60068-2-6 Vibration (10-150 Hz, 20m/s2)
IEC 60068-2-6 Drop Test

Weight 42lb,19.05kg (front cover and strap included)

15 X 9.5 X 18 in
38 X 24 X 45.7 cm

Calibration Certification traceable to N.I.S.T. standards

IEC 60068-2-2 Dry Heat (+85°C storage; + 50°C Rating Operating),
Environmental IEC 60068-2-1 Cold (-50°C storage; 0°C operating), IEC 60068-
2-30 Damp Heat (+55°C, 6 cycles, 95% humidity), NEMA Enclose
Rating Type 1IEC Enclosure IP20

FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class A (USA), EN55011:1998/A1:1999/
EMC Emissions A2:2002 Group 1 Class A ISM(EU), AS/NZS CISPR 11:2004 Class
A ISM (Australia), ICES-001 Issue 3 ISM (Canada)

EMC Immunity EN 61000-6-2:2005; IEC 61000-4-2/3/4/5/6/11

Quality Assurance
Management Third Party certification to ISO 9001:2000

Humidity Up to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing

Electrostatic IEC 801-2 I.E.C. performance level 1 @ 10kV: normal performance
Discharge within specifications.
Immunity I.E.C. performance level 2 @ 20kV: no permanent damage

ANSI/IEEE c37.90. The simulator functions as a source during
Surge Withstand surge withstand capability tests, when the ANSI/IEEE specified
Capability isolating circuit is interposed between the simulator and the test

Line Power Supply 105-264 V, 47-63 Hz

Safety EN 61010-1; UL 61010-1; CSA 27.2 # 61010-1

IEC 61850 GOOSE Certified by KEMA as being compliant with IEC61850 protocol
(IEC 61850-7-2 and 8-1)

IEC 61850
80 samples per cycles for nominal frequencies 50Hz and 60Hz
Sample Values
(Publishing) using GPS time synchronized signals

Ethernet or USB control to PC, Wi-Fi
(802.11 B+G bands, 30 - 80ft, 9 - 24m)
(Ethernet, Station bus Ethernet interface: two redundant RJ45s at 100MBps
Process bus Ethernet interface: one redundant RJ45 at 1GBPS
Wi-Fi, USB)
and MTRJ (optical fiber) at 100 BaseFX

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